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Nothing in Life is More Important than Life Itself


Key to celebrate life

If you want to celebrate your life learn from a child.
Growing up is tough…
But do you know what is toughest?
Keeping the child alive.

How many times have you heard phrases? Grow up now, you
are a big girl/boy. Behave like a grown-up?

It is part of everyone’s growing up, we often overhear it while
growing up. Sometimes teachers, parents, neighbors or any
elder comes up with these statements asking us to “grow up”?

But they forget, growing up can be tough but keeping the
child alive within is toughest. With time & age, sooner or later
you will get that wisdom to behave or grow. However, once
gone, the child inside you will never look back.

The world doesn’t understand the importance of
inquisitiveness a child has, the youthful feelings, or how
important it is to keep the inner child alive. A child who seeks
happiness in the smallest of things can laugh at trivial
achievements. The child knows the joy of life.

Do you know how to enjoy every moment?

Watch a child for an hour and you will understand, how
precious life and its moments are. They will be happy to get a
piece of chocolate, they can dance in the rain and enjoy the
moment instead of complaining about huge traffic and the
water log in the city. They can be their true selves, without
worrying about being judged.

Learn from a child

If our youth will just learn one thing, this one thing or we will
just allow them to keep the child alive. They will surely be
more content, cheerful, and at ease with life.

A child can laugh out loud and cry with the same intensity
when hurt. They don’t pretend, nor they are worried about
showing their true feelings.

Happy or sad, “They are what they are”. Unlike the Lago of
Othello and the supremely called mature population of the
country who can neither laugh nor cry because they are afraid
to be judged. They are afraid their feelings or emotions will be
used against them, or they are busy manipulating every
situation to turn into an opportunity to grow and derogate the
other human. They pretend to be happy when they are sad and
sad when they are happy.

A child never carries a fake smile and never fears being
judged. A child does not need materialistic things to be happy
and the best part is, that they know how to enjoy and be happy
in the moment without being worried about something that’s
gone (past) or something that is not in their hands (future).

It is necessary to grow up but remember it is mandatory to
keep the child alive in you. One will take you to the heights,
the other will keep you grounded and content.

Remember, the child within you has that great power to keep
you away from depression.

I truly believe, that if we want to learn there is learning
everywhere, we just need to have that eye to learn and admire.

Just remember, nothing in life is more important than life

Enjoy life… it is precious!

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Passionate advocate for gender equality, trying to spark change through insightful writing.

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