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Deepika V. Vashisht

The Nomadic Writer

I’m an independent writer, who shares her views and worldviews on how our society tends support outdated biases towards women.

Checkout my book!👇

A Woman's Equality

Narratives of us to ourselves

Pride & Prejudices

Outlooks over centuries


of conscious society

Returning to Womanhood

Active actions to we can take

New Release


Let the Journey Begin

Ever wondered why the uneasiness in public really happens?
Explore these topics to learn more about these hidden norms

Gender Biases

About traditional gender roles that challenge societal expectations. Along with, why what happens really happens and how knowledge can be used as power.

Challenging Beliefs

Detailed explanations of bias triggered beliefs. It’s time to start planning your adventures. Change comes from challenging and reframing old beliefs.

Future of Equality

In the realm of globalised modernisation, how current scenarios dictate our futures and what all experts, surveys and data says about it all.

About Deepika V. Vashisht

Writing books makes the world go round

I’m an independent writer who dives into how our society still clings to old-fashioned biases against women. 

Step into my world of writing and let’s challenge the status quo!


It is more than just writing books

“The question is not only who can be your mentor but also who can you mentor?” 
– Mariela Dabbah


Where we work on you and your worldviews to inspire change.

Book Tours

Where we discuss the chapeters, insights and inferences we all learnt.

Public Speaking

Where I speak about the biases and how we can together inspire change.


Explore communities where we learn from each other and support each other in our tough times

the unseen guilt deepika vashisht book

latest release

The Unseen Guilt

echoes of equality

“The Unseen Guilt” is a profound exploration into the hidden emotional burden borne by individuals as a result of gender bias and societal norms. It delves into the intricate web of expectations, stereotypes, and biases that shape our perceptions and behaviors, particularly in relation to gender roles.

This concept sheds light on the often overlooked psychological impact of gender bias, revealing how individuals, especially women, internalize feelings of guilt, inadequacy, and self-doubt due to societal pressures and expectations. Despite being unseen to the naked eye, this guilt permeates through every aspect of one’s life, influencing decisions, relationships, and self-perception.

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Customer Reviews

From praising its clarity and compassion to lauding its potential to spark meaningful change, these reviews paint a vivid picture of the book’s profound resonance. Whether they’re moved by its insights, empowered by its message, or challenged by its revelations, readers unanimously agree that “The Unseen Guilt” is a must-read for anyone passionate about social justice and equality.


Blog & News

Inequality In Education- Root Causes & Resolution…

Reasons for the inequality in Education. The first step towards equality is to understand what it means. The dictionary says “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities” Equality says to be equal in terms of status, rights, and opportunities and our society plays the card by saying women can never compete with men. But they forget who wants to compete, we want equality. Equality is not competing it is fighting together for the betterment of self and society. We demand an education system, that doesn’t differentiate between the genders. While distributing brain or intelligence, IQ the creator never did any partiality. Then, why we as a society are so intense in making one as a dominating and the other as a submissive one? Why do we promote a master-slave equation rather than an equation of companionship? But before we ask for equality in education, we should

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Inequality In Education- Root Causes & Resolution…

Reasons for the inequality in Education. The first step towards equality is to understand what it means. The dictionary says “the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities” Equality says to be equal in terms of status, rights, and opportunities and our society plays the card by

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“The Hidden Hindu” by Akshat Gupta

https://amzn.to/4bQM5Fo Is reading your hobby? If, your answer is yes. This blog is for you. Currently, I’m reading “The Hidden Hindu-1” the very first part of the trilogy “where Hindu Mythology meets science fiction”. Written by Akshat Gupta. As inclined towards mythological fiction how can I miss grabbing a copy

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Making Time for Mom – 5 Quick Tips For More Mom Time

Introduction Mother’s Day was on 12th May 2024, so let us talk about it a bit. Mother’s Day in our country is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May. Why Sunday? Because it is an official holiday for everyone, and everyone can take some time for their mothers

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