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Let us talk about it

We, women, are accustomed to the daily dose of inequality,
gender biasedness, and comparison, with little discomfort,
without even realizing it we inherit it and then pass it on to
the other generation.

Little do we know, back in the days, what we felt bad for, is
what we are now transferring to the next generation of

An incident in a woman’s life.

Once upon a time, a mother-in-law narrates a story to her
daughter-in-law to belittle her and praise another’s

Very proudly she starts “Pushpa is such an obedient and
amazing daughter-in-law; she is catering to her in-laws’
dream of having a male child”. Even after delivering 3 girls
already, she is conceiving and aborting the girls inside her
womb to bear a male child. She did it 3,4 times till she was
finally pregnant with a “male child.”

She is such an obedient and caring “daughter-in-law”

She deserves all the praise in the world.

Does she? Does she deserve the applause?

We are talking about equality and our women are setting
these standards.

Is this the correct standard to judge someone’s character

She is mercilessly killing her children in the womb and you
are praising her and expecting others to do the same, to gift
you a male child at the cost of her health, and compromising
with her sanity. To be in your good books she should give you
a male child, and be a merciless killer of the innocent unborn
babies in the womb.

The situation is disheartening but what hurts more is, that
these are not the males who are setting these standards,
they are the women of our educated society. Well-educated
working mothers-in-law of our esteemed society.

What shocks me is, that their past was not a shining star, yet
they worked hard and made a place for themselves in
society, they struggled a lot in their times to find their niche
in man’s world.

But now when it is their time to help turn over every stone
for other women to grow and help them move out of the
inequality. Their subconscious mind is taking them back,
playing as an influencer, guiding them to the teaching it has
stored from their past, that says only a male child can carry
forward your name. That is the reason, the subconscious
mind and its teachings are very crucial.

That is why, it is of utmost importance to remove this
“unseen guilt” and start giving your children a good
upbringing. A surrounding that is equal for both- Girls as well
as boys.

Education is not enough.

Only educating children is not enough, nor going out and
working in corporate amidst the other gender is. If you want
to come out of this long-poured inequality on your shoulders,
stop promoting someone’s wrong attempt as an award-
winning performance in the field.

Just to belittle your daughter-in-law or satisfy your ego, you
should not exaggerate and flourish the crime done by
another woman.

You should instead make the wrong one realize, that killing is
not justified, even if it is before birth, killing is killing. Even if
it is for the sake of elders, it is not a deed of kindness. Killing
those little lives for your selfish desire is never justified,
neither in this world nor in the world beyond the circle of life
and death.

We have fought a long battle and are still fighting to grow on
the ladder of equality. Please do not spoil it for your greed.

In the end…

The real fact is you should stop anything wrong, if you cannot
stop, at least try and leave a positive impact. Don’t advocate
or praise the demons of a woman’s progress.

It can create an emptiness or burden in another woman’s
life, making them miserable and helpless.

Also, it is always a good idea to refrain from comparing to
keep your relationships healthy, because no two people in
the world can be the same. Someone can cook well,

someone is good at communicating, someone is more into
studies, someone is a good professional, someone is a good
scholar, different people, different traits. Accept them with
their set of qualities along with the imperfections to make
your life simple and peaceful. It will help to bond with the
new member who came to your house leaving her own, from
a completely different background and mindset. Don’t give
them dead ends, remember “perfection is a myth”.

PS: Life is short, keep it sweet and simple.

Spread love, not hatred.

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Picture of Deepika


Passionate advocate for gender equality, trying to spark change through insightful writing.

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The Unseen Guilt

A detailed account of gender biases and how they affect us and our society at macro and micro scales.