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Making Time for Mom – 5 Quick Tips For More Mom Time



Mother’s Day was on 12th May 2024, so let us talk about it a bit. Mother’s Day in our country is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of May.

Why Sunday?

Because it is an official holiday for everyone, and everyone can take some time for their mothers from their precious fully packed schedules.

With advancements in technology, we are turning into a slave to keeping our lives too busy. So, now we need a dedicated day to celebrate every relationship. Let us understand this trend and swim with the current.

Mother’s Day is coming.

Mother’s Day is coming, what are your plans for the day? Are you buying the best gifts in the world for your mother, taking her out for dinner, cutting the cake, or buying her diamond jewelry?

Don’t forget, the best gift for a mother is your time, time is the real diamond for her. The time that she gave you when you were a child, compromising on her dreams and life. I can see the bewildered look on your face, shocked or confused, you were not prepared for it because you can spend a huge amount on the gift but don’t have time for her.

You are busy, I understand.

Life is tough and keeps you busy. But ultimately, it is all about the priorities you set. Make her a priority, at least sometimes.

Is dedicating a day enough?

Do you think one day is enough to celebrate the most supreme relationship in the world?

“A mother”

Hearsay, some will argue, no, it is not. Why do you need a day to celebrate Mother’s Day? Every day is Mother’s Day.

Yes, you are right, but how many of us celebrate our mother’s existence daily? It is true that dedicating a day or celebrating a day is not proof of your love, nor does it depict the importance of the relationship. For a mother who has dedicated all her life to her children, and when children are too busy to acknowledge. I think it is a good idea to remind everyone that there is a relationship that needs your time.

It is a good idea.

Yes, you are right, a day is not enough but still, it is a good idea to dedicate a day to your mother to remind you of her importance.

In the era of the 21 st century, where everyone is digitally evolving, sadly it gives me a gnawing ache to see how we are becoming emotionally paralyzed. Everything needs a reminder. A reminder to put you to sleep, to keep a check on your health, a reminder to call your friend, a birthday reminder, an anniversary reminder, a reminder for everything.

Running behind the race of life, everyone is engrossed in life’s daily chores forgetting the importance of relationships and people in life with emotions.

You are busy focusing on your career, forgetting the fact your parents are getting old, they need you. Till the day you realize this; it will be too late.

It never denotes that you should not focus on your career or your own family. But don’t forget the fact, your parents are getting old, and they need you.

Time Management for Mom

Even with a packed schedule, you can create meaningful moments with your mom. Here are some tips:

  • Schedule Time in Advance: Don’t wait for a special occasion. Block off time in your calendar specifically for spending quality time with your mom. Treat it like any other important appointment.
  • Find Common Ground: Consider your mom’s interests. Does she enjoy nature walks, watching classic movies, or catching up over coffee? Plan an activity you both can enjoy.
  • Keep it Simple: Sometimes the most meaningful moments are the most ordinary. Offer to help with errands, cook a meal together, or simply have a conversation.
  • Focus on Quality, Not Quantity: Even a short visit can be impactful if you’re fully present. Put away your phone and give your mom your undivided attention.
  • Make it a Habit: Don’t let Mother’s Day be the only day you connect with your mom. Aim for regular visits, calls, or texts to maintain a strong bond.

By following these tips, you can ensure that quality time becomes a regular part of your relationship with your mom. Remember, the gift of time is truly priceless, and it’s something your mom will cherish more than anything.


The whole life of your mother revolved around you when you were a child, she kept running behind you to feed you, teach you, and keep you clean, she spent every minute keeping you up to date. Now, when you are grown up, you need your own space where “Mom” doesn’t exist. Responsibility will keep growing with time, but you will realize how the “mother” felt, once you become parents, again it will be too late then.

It made me sad to see, once old, they keep waiting for you at home, to spend some quality time with you or at least hear a few loving words. It is not that you don’t love them, you do but you do not realize life’s uncertainty and a mother’s emotion.

You are busy making life and she spent her whole life making you what you are today. For your mom, you are life, the only assets she collected for life, her life’s only souvenirs. She sacrificed her career, friends, and sometimes even her peace of mind to be with you. Taking care of you was her only priority, her only concern. A mother not only arranges the amenities but makes sure to give you the best of everything.

So, it is a good idea to dedicate a day.

Celebrate Mother’s Day, spend quality time with your mother and make her feel special.


I know the important role a father plays in a child’s life, and while writing this blog, the father figure was continuously in my mind. But as the situation demands, it is about Mothers today.

We will talk about the important role a father plays when it is Father’s Day….

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